Using skills for ‘good’ this festive season

Some people demoralise whilst others make us feel more human.

One of the 13 Portraits

One of the 13 Portraits

Holtom took 13 of the shelter’s guests to a photo studio and asked them to dress and pose exactly as they would want to be seen. “I made it a fun and enjoyable day, just let their characters shine through, really,” Holtom says. “I think we all know what someone sleeping rough looks like. Positive imagery is more powerful amidst the misery photography we get bombarded with. People are desensitized to that now.”

Article by Carey Dunne (click to find more)

A great gift during this festive season. Something small can mean the world to some else. 

We like people like this who challenge stereotypes- using their skills for ‘good’ not ‘evil’.

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